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Tamara Blezynski HOT Picture

Written By hotmail on Selasa, 24 Juli 2007 | 23.56

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A lot of women end up their careers as being a plain housewife. This happens especially in Asia, where husbands are highly respected in the family hierarchy.

Now as things have change, women prefer being a housewife without sacrificing their potentials. Women like to work in the office, becoming a freelance, or running a business and a home at the same time.

For these women, being a freelance or running a home business is a good choice, because they can have the flexibility to manage their time, they can choose when to work and to stop. They can work from home most of the time.

Being freelance or business women make them have an opportunity to earn money, doing what they like the most by running their hobbies professionally.

There are some reasons why women prefer to work than just being a plain housewife:

Women like to express themselves. They need to be recognized that they can do something important for the family.

Women want to take part in family earning. They want to help their spouses in order to fulfill the family needs.

Women want to have a safety belt for the family. Although their husbands can earn much, it does not mean that there is no threats. Husbands can get fired at any time, business can be in danger. That is why if women can earn money themselves, they can support their husbands by being the safety belt.

Women want to feel secure themselves. It is a fact that many marriages failed by all reasons. Being independent financially can secure women when their marriages do not work out anymore.

Some women are well known as a money spender. By experiencing the difficulties of earning money, women can understand that it is unwise to spend their husbands' earnings on unnecessary things or luxurious items. Working women usually become wiser in managing money.

From those points above, it is recommended to have your spouse working. It will bring a lot of good things for the whole family, as long as they can put the family on the top priority.

What should always be remembered is that they are working not to compete with their spouses but to support each other in building family wealth.

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